I just wanted to let everyone know that as of November 1, I am retiring my digital designs at Design House Digital. I will be holding a 50% off retirement sale October 29-31, and then my entire shop will be closed beginning November 1st. So if you've been eyeballing something in my shop but putting off the purchase until later, now would be the time to buy because after November 1st, these items won't be available anywhere.
This was not an easy decision for me to make, and it's one I've been considering for quite some time now. I have a new job that I love, and the responsibilities with it require a lot more than my previous position. With two busy kids and a husband, there's just not much of me left over at the end of each day. Designing is something that I love, but it has always been a side-job, a hobby, for me -- never something on which I depended for income. I haven't been able to open Photoshop in months, and so I just decided that it was time to step back from it all for a while.
I want to thank all of you for your support and use of my products. I love seeing you capture your memories with things I've created, and I've formed some great friendships in the industry that I plan to keep fostering, regardless of whether I'm designing or not. And who knows...maybe, a year from now, two years from now, something will change and I'll be able to come back to designing. I would never rule it out...I just know that I need the time right now to devote to other priorities.
So thanks for a wonderful run at Design House Digital -- it's been great!
Oh we'll miss you a lot at DHD Audrey! Wishing you all the best for the future, I'm sure everyone can understand priorities of family and work comes before hobbies.
Posted by: libbywilko | October 28, 2012 at 03:01 PM
just please don't quit scrapbooking entirely ; )
Posted by: Elizabeth | October 28, 2012 at 04:42 PM
boo hiss. that's all i'm saying.
Posted by: celeste | October 28, 2012 at 05:55 PM
I will soooo miss your awesome designs and hope to see you back at it when it fits for you. :)
Posted by: Debra E | October 29, 2012 at 11:15 AM
Oh, I'm so sad! However, I totally understand!! Hope you can pop in to say hello at DHD occasionally, and I sure hope we see your designs again.
Posted by: Liz J | October 29, 2012 at 12:04 PM
There is nobody like you! The design / scrap world will feel the void. But on a personal level I so admire your ability to sort life out and say no to move forward. wishing you everything wonderful!
Michael :-)
Posted by: (ms.) Michael | October 29, 2012 at 01:23 PM
Oh gosh. 5 cookies later and I'm still so bummed about this, but for purely selfish reasons. lol. Though I totally understand the reasoning behind your decision. Hope to see you later!!
Posted by: Kate | October 29, 2012 at 01:36 PM
I have loved your designs! Enjoy the extra time with your family!
Posted by: Melanie C | October 31, 2012 at 12:37 PM
I've always been a fan of your kits and have enjoyed reading your insightful and challenging blog posts and informative tutorials. Thank you SO much for sharing all of this with us. I've always wondered how you managed to fit it all in! I wish you all the best!
Posted by: esther_a | November 02, 2012 at 08:48 PM
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Posted by: Guaiwo | December 19, 2012 at 01:30 AM