One quick note of good news: I'm guest posting on the Ella blog today. Look to the left -- see that snazzy orange elephant button? Just click on it and you'll go directly to my post. Hope you'll check it out! Thanks!
In other news, my laptop (which is less than 2 years old) is dead. Looks like either the processor or the motherboard went out on it. Of course, there was a ton of stuff that I hadn't backed up recently, including the wonderful photos of the girls that I took while we were in Gulf Shores. Chris is seeing what he can do to get the files off the hard drive, but so far nothing is working, so it looks like there was some hard drive damage somehow as well. I'm just sick about it.
This is the second time I've lost information when a computer went down, and while I have more stuff backed up this time, I just hate that so much of what I consider important is now lost. I am seriously rethinking technology -- not completely -- but just how I handle it and how much I depend on it. I foresee a number of changes in the future, I think, beginning with much less reliance on a computer system.
ETA: Does anyone know of a software program that lets you take small photos (for example, photos that I saved to Facebook or my blog at 600 pixels, approximately) and restore them to a larger size more suitable for printing? I remember there being a program mentioned in an old issue of Digital Scrapbooking Magazine, but I don't have it anymore. Any help that anyone could provide would be wonderful!!!
Aud - try Alien Skin Blow-Up... I think that's the software that you're thinking of to blow up web-sized photos.
Posted by: Christine | July 06, 2010 at 04:55 PM
Thanks Christine -- Im going to check that out!
Posted by: aud neal | July 07, 2010 at 10:35 AM
Good luck with the computer stuff - I've been thinking about getting an external hard drive to serve as a back up... But I totally know what you mean about technology. Pretty soon, I will be looking for solutions to back up my backed up work - ugh! When does it end? :)
Posted by: Casey Wright | July 08, 2010 at 01:03 PM
I am using Mozy Home as a daily online backup and that works great! The initial upload of your files might take a while, but when something happens to you computer you can always download the files that you have backed up.
They have unlimited storage for 5 dollars a month.This might be an idea for you in the future.
I hope you will be able to blow up the images with that software that someone mentioned in the post above. And in case it might not help: just save those images. You just never know what technology will be able to do with those files in just a few years!
Posted by: Francisca | July 10, 2010 at 06:27 AM