I spent the day finding new homes for all the wonderful gifts we received during Christmas and birthdays. That's something that hits me immediately when I walk in the door after being away with family for the holidays -- the urge to find a place for everything, and to get rid of any things that we have replaced or outgrown or simply don't need any longer. Perhaps it is the idea of a new year and new beginnings that manifests in me as a need to clean and de-clutter everything. But I spent the day happily puttering away, finishing up the last of the laundry (thankfully most of it was done at the in-law's house so we didn't come home with bags crammed full of dirty laundry), doing some grocery shopping (our cupboards were bare, as was our poor refrigerator), and taking down the Christmas decorations.
When I sent Chris to the storage unit with the Christmas decorations, I asked him to bring back this oak library table. While I was growing up, this table served as a makeshift island in our kitchen. I inherited it from Mom when she moved to a smaller house, and for a while it sat in my craft room. Then we moved to a smaller apartment and it was relegated to the storage unit. I'm not sure why I never considered using it as a desk, since it is the perfect size, especially when paired with my $2.00 orange chair that I picked up earlier this fall. I'm also now the proud owner of two orange milk glass Pottery Barn lamps (you can see one of them on my desk) -- I made a visit to the Pottery Barn Outlet store while I was in Memphis and scored those two lamps with my Christmas money from mom. Words can't even begin to explain how thrilled I was! They'll eventually go on either side of our bed, but I need new (or new-to-us, as they'll likely be thrifted) nightstands before that happens. Regardless, my bedroom plans are coming right along!
Those bedroom plans are just part of my goals for 2010. I have a number of things that I want to do this year, and they are tied pretty closely to my "one little word." I'm choosing the word INTENTIONAL again, just as I did last year. For me, it is a word that continues to help me focus on the things I am doing and the reasons why I am doing them. It's about doing things with purpose, fully thinking through my actions, and then moving ahead with the action. It's about being present and fully aware of what I am doing and saying, which I fully believe leads to a fuller life.
This year, I want to sell my photographs. I want to exercise. I want to be more aware of what I eat. I want to redecorate my bedroom. I want to travel to Ireland. I want to grow my digital design business. I want to read more books. I want to camp more than three times. I want to spend more time one-on-one with the girls. I want to finish a knitting project. I want to paint our living room. I want to develop a "style." I want to take better care of myself. I want to spend more time with my husband. I want to buy a new camera. I want to take a photo daily. I want to laugh as often as I can. I want to see a concert.
What a great word! I really like it! Your blogs is one of my favorites!
Posted by: Christina Smith | January 04, 2010 at 02:01 AM
I was once *sniff sniff* the owner of a teal lamp much like your new ones. It sat on my nightstand until one unfortunate night where I pushed my pillow off the bed, bringing the lamp down with it.
On the topic of developing a "style"... a friend once suggested that my decorating and personal styles should mesh. I had never thought of it that way and that thought now comes to mind when I'm considering something new.
Just from knowing you virtually, I would say your style is modern bohemian!
Posted by: Jennifer | January 04, 2010 at 09:41 AM
I like that word...it says a lot and fits the goals you have for yourself this year. Great choice!
Posted by: Robyn | January 04, 2010 at 12:40 PM
I love that.... Word choice. It makes sense. I've never done that.
Posted by: Sandie McCarthy-Roberts | January 04, 2010 at 01:05 PM
I've always loved the word INTENTIONAL. It's powerful.
My word for this year is SIMPLE.
Posted by: Linda | January 05, 2010 at 12:26 AM